Download Likee videos

Without watermark, HD quality, easy, fast, and free.

SaveLikee is one of the most popular Likee video downloader tools that can help you download Likee videos without watermark in HD quality. With SaveLikee, you can easily download videos from Likee, and save the video into your device to watch them later.

Our Likee Downloader works on any device (including, but not limited to Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, and MacOS). You do not need to install any software on your mobile phone or PC, all that you need is only a video link.

How to Download Likee Videos Without Watermark

  1. Find a video that you want to download.
  2. Click the share button, then select the copy link.
  3. Paste the video link in the download box at the top of this page.
  4. Click on the “Download” button.
  5. Click on the “Save Video” button to begin downloading the video to your device.

Key Features:

  1. Download videos without watermark.
  2. Download videos in HD quality.
  3. Works on any device (Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, and macOS).
  4. Easy, fast, and free.